Alternavest News / Inside

Review Alternavest stock market year 2021


Dear customers and partners of Alternavest! 

An eventful and also challenging year lies behind us.


  • In retrospect

  • New products from Alternavest

In retrospect

As probably never before, we have experienced a whole series of market-changing and -influencing events: Corona with all its attendant lockdowns, etc, the crime-ridden presidential election in the U.S., popular uprising in Ukraine, Turkey's reeling, and, last but not least, the vote out of Germany's 16-year CDU-led government and re-election of the traffic light coalition consisting of FDP, SPD and Greens. 


Despite -or perhaps precisely because of- this turbulent market environment, we succeeded in acquiring a record number of new customers in 2021. For us, this is a clear sign of confidence in our strategies and products.

New products from Alternavest

In order to be able to satisfactorily serve the increasing demands of our demanding customers in the future, we have also developed and launched two new products in the past year, namely Crypto Pro and Business Plus .


Crypto Pro is our offer to all those who would like to invest in the cryptocurrency market, but have been searching in vain for a fair and transparent way to not only buy cryptocurrencies, but also to trade them. Again, the core of these products is, of course, the successful Alternavest algorithms.


Business Plus is our first 'corporate product', i.e. our offer primarily to SMEs who are looking for a way for their cash flow, or their corporate current accounts, to avoid the punitive interest rates now charged by almost every bank on cash deposits.

More info, as always, on! 

In addition, I do not want to miss sharing with you the 2022 Annual Outlook of our Trading Team.


 This will, as always, be a basis for decisions concerning the year that has begun, as well as provide clues for the development of new strategies and products. 


Enjoy reading and see you soon, 

Your Luca Strehle


Review Alternavest stock market year 2021

Dear customers and partners of Alternavest! 

An eventful and also challenging year lies behind us.

inside-alternavest.article.writtenBy Luca Strehle.
Alternavest Partners GmbH Otto-Heilmann-Str. 17 82031 Grünwald
